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Application Management – Because your business is worth it!

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Application Management – Because your business is worth it!

If you’ve decided to explore one of the world’s leading applications for handling your fiber business, why not make the most of it daily with Netadmin’s experts? Who knows what we’ll accomplish together?


This is Application Management

Application Management (AM) is so much more than just making sure that the application works as expected. There are loads of other valuable maintenance tasks that may be performed to make everything just that bit smoother and more effective. Your ideas and requirements are, of course, a big part of the scope for AM.

Here are 8 brief examples from real life – just to get you started! Each example is derived from a specific management service and is customizable through your AM agreement.


Learn more about Application Management.



Example 1: Proactive focus

AM proactively analyzes logs, tables, requests, system status, various system resources, etc., to be sure that all parameters are in good shape and have reasonable values for the system to operate optimally. Otherwise, if a negative statistical trend is noticed, it will be handled as a preventive ticket and receive the necessary attention. It might also result in a perfect ticket if optimizations are preferred. Here are some examples:

  • AM notices that a well-used log table is starting to get a little large and needs some cleaning to avoid affecting performance. Discussions with the system owner about the log’s storage time take place. A job for automatically cleaning this log will be created, installed, and scheduled according to agreement.

  • AM will catch slow queries in the system that may result in unnecessary loading times for the user. The queries will be optimized and updated in the system as a maintenance patch during a service window if possible.

  • AM notices a job in a state. The particular job will be examined, and there will be a check if there are any similar jobs in the same state that should be dealt with at the same time. AM will find the root cause and ensure it won’t happen again.

  • AM encounters old data in the system that are most likely no longer used. A meeting and discussion with the system owner are scheduled to decide what data might be up for deletion. Less data to handle in the database will make any related functionality quicker.


Example 2: Security

AM handles all the requests for new accounts in the system and accepts/rejects them based on the agreed policies. It’s very important—especially with GDPR—not to approve overly extensive privileges to users who may see information not meant for their eyes and responsibilities.


Example 3: Ticketing

AM will handle trouble tickets registered in other systems related to Netadmin and its tasks. The ticket will be handled internally, with a separate ticket ID, and then reported to the original ticketing system.


Example 4: Meetings

AM will have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of all the system integrations and how everything operates/communicates. AM will participate in meetings concerning interactions with the Netadmin system to recommend optimal solutions and inform about what’s possible in the context and how this might affect the component/overall performance. A key area of focus is always to maintain a high level of, and if possible, improve overall system performance.

AM schedules status meetings and presents information about open tickets and orders, detailing progress since the last report. If desired, a status overview will also be documented and presented as a report on a regular basis.


Example 5: Change management

All improvements and changes to be implemented in Netadmin are well documented as patches. Every patch describes the changes to be performed in the system during a certain service window. If there are test environments, the patches and descriptions will apply to them.

AM will administer orders outside the scope of the AM agreement, keeping track of all the tickets and their statuses in the same place.


Example 6: Environments

All Netadmin environments and their information, integrations, etc., will be kept and updated using the agreed-upon tools. When customized functionality is developed, it will be documented in the same system describing the area.

Changes are normally recommended to be acceptance-tested in some sort of testing environment. AM will assist with issues such as test data, account creation, and installation of changes/patches in test environments for the requirements.


Example 7: Support

AM generally contacts the system owner daily to ensure that progress is always made on important tickets and commitments.

AM will schedule meetings with user groups about their experiences in their daily work in the Netadmin system. The user experience is very important. Do you have any suggestions that might result in happier users and more effective processes? This could, for instance, be if 100 users could click once instead of three times during a specific task to achieve the same effect – there is both time and energy to gain!

Users who want to learn about specific system functions or an area of the system may request an educational meeting at very short notice.

AM will, upon request, extract lists of data, including specified information, from the system that a user might need. AM will always ensure the requestor is authorized to request the specific data. Data extracts are always encrypted and transferred securely.


Example 8: Performance

This is one of the most important areas—ensuring that utilization and system performance are highly satisfactory.

If a disturbance is noticed or reported, the cause is tracked down, and the appropriate optimization is performed to prevent similar disturbances.

If all this sounds interesting and you would like to know more about Application Management and what it might do for you and your business, please contact us, and we'll tell you more



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