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Filling the gaps in OSS requirements with Netadmin Nine

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In our previous blog post “Finding the right balance between customization and out-of-the-box”, we discussed the challenges in finding the “ultimate” system that fulfills all of your requirements. We concluded that nearly all COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) software requires some level of customization. In this blog, we will present three possibilities that Netadmin Systems can offer in order to provide a complete solution.

Today we offer three main alternatives to fill the gaps in the requirements for our customers:

  • The Netadmin Nine candidate program
  • Collaboration with other vendors
  • Standard ways to customize the product

The Netadmin Nine Candidate Program

In Netadmin Nine, we have launched the Netadmin Candidate Program, which essentially gives you, as a valuable customer of ours, the unique chance to kick-start development of new capabilities and functions in Netadmin Nine. The basic idea is that if you have a certain need of something in the product, we give you the opportunity to work out the requirements together with us in a series of joint workshops and meetings. Once we have agreed on the scope and price of the function, we will prioritize this over other activities and ensure delivery within reasonable time. We always aim for a win-win situation, to solve your needs that you have right now for a competitive price compared to any custom development, and at the same time continuously improve the product in a direction that will create long-term value for our customers.


Collaboration with other vendors

Netadmin Systems, as part of a leading group of software companies called Volaris Group, can and will help you to find a suitable product on the market for capabilities that are not generally part of the OSS stack. In addition, through our collaboration with local vendors and our long experience of integrations with other CRM/BSS/NMS systems, we always strive to present a price competitive solution.


Netadmin Nine customization

We have invested a lot of time and effort the last years in how to best support adaptations on top of a vanilla deployment of Netadmin. As a result of this we have introduced several new concepts in Netadmin Nine, such as IOC Add-ons, Netadmin Apps, MVC Ticket Templates and Custom Objects. The goal was to identify use cases and customization needs that are common to the majority of our customers and provide “hook points” for you to add your own code - standardized and without significantly affecting the performance of the system. Here are some of the new customization options available in Netadmin Nine.

  • Development of standard Netadmin Apps that can be deployed and published in the Netadmin Nine GUI. These Apps can be developed by yourself, your preferred partner or by us to enrich your system with new capabilities and functions. Apps can be used for everything from displaying some extra information stored in a separate system on an address or device or providing specific troubleshooting tools on end customers and services delivered in your network.
  • Customization of ticket flows and templates to support all kind of ticketing processes in your organization, such as handling customer enquiries or troubleshooting services. These templates and flows can be developed by anyone with .NET skills to produce forms and views that guide the user through the process and ensure that correct information is entered at different steps.
  • Building your own message senders and receivers makes it possible to send and receive virtually any type of messages with Netadmin Nine - and via any protocol and gateway. You could for example build your own SMS gateway support for monitoring notifications or integrate Netadmin ticketing with social media.
  • Custom Objects allows you to create your own information models in Netadmin, which can be used to extend the built-in data model with extra fields or model entire new objects in Netadmin Nine.

Netadmin Systems provides documentation and offers training to all our customers and partners who want to learn to develop in Netadmin Nine. 



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