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Telecom operators that sell and operate telecom services to businesses and public sector often offer Service Level Agreements (SLA), as part of the agreement. If those agreements are not fulfilled, the telecom operator can be charged with penalties.

If business services fail and there is not an efficient way of resolving the issue, the damage that is caused to the telecom operator can be devastating to customer loyalty. When business services fail, the customers will be heavily impacted in their business. It is crucial that the telecom operator can meet the demands from their customers and be able to prioritize the most severe failures and resolve the issues quickly.

In order to help the telecom operator keep track of SLA agreements we have, in close cooperation with our customers, defined a new Add-on called ‘Ticket SLA’. The functionality has been developed according to the new Product Candidates process that we earlier described in this blog.

The ‘Ticket SLA’ is using the base capabilities of Ticket Management. It is possible to calculate SLA based on many different variables, e.g. SLA types, ticket type and ticket status. The ‘SLA types’ defines what is going to be measured. It is also possible to create your own ‘SLA plugins’ that are using data associated with a ticket to calculate the SLA. Those plugins are responsible for starting and stopping SLA measurement. The standard SLA plugins, for example INITIAL RESPONSE, ASSIGNED WITHIN, UPDATE REQUIRED and CLOSED, which are shipped together with Ticket SLA helps you to immediately increase customer experience.

The ‘Ticket SLA’ Add-on is easy to configure with its graphical user interface for entering office hours and holidays. SLA data is shown in the Ticket Dashboard for visualization, filtering and sorting, so that the most important information is shown to the operator directly. There is also a standard report that shows SLA breach per ticket and SLA type that makes it possible to get an overview and perform your analysis and draw the right conclusions.

There are also notifications and escalation functionality as part of the Add-on. Warnings can be sent via email, if SLA is about to being breached. It is also possible to escalate and assign tickets when they are about to be breached.

To summarize: Ticket SLA helps telecom operators avoid breached, SLA’s and increase customer experience by providing a better service.

Learn more about Ticket SLA


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