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your fiber journey.

Behind every remarkable transformation journey is a great team. Get expert guidance and your questions answered with one of our experts.

Netadmin is a purpose-built product for fiber operators starting a fiber network business.

Automation is the founding rock in our product, and we aim to ensure that your most critical daily operations are the ones you have to worry the least about.


What you get with Netadmin.

State-of-the-art system support for the fulfillment process.
Pre-integrated capabilities
and add-ons.
Wholesale management
Configurable product

Netadmin supports your customer journey.


Modern, purpose-built, and robust systems are essential for a fiber business.


Netadmin - a purpose-built system that will minimize the need for unforeseen customizations and integrations. A modern and robust system is essential for limiting firefighting and sudden outages.

‘‘Netadmin solution enables our customers to quickly and easily get direct access to our service offering.’’

– Telia.






Using proper software will help you achieve your growth targets.


Netadmin helps you digitize and automate your processes, meet your growth targets, and increase customer experience. For example, today's customers require a digitalized customer onboarding journey, and your helpdesk can answer every question with minimum response times.

‘‘Netadmin solution has helped us free up time for the technology department to focus on more complex technical problems.’’

– Utsikt Broadband.



business managers



Because your product catalog and offerings are worth it.


To successfully model and structure your product offerings, you must rely on good software. Netadmin will be the key to enabling new business models and offerings to the market.

‘‘The use of Netadmin solutions has led to higher revenue, minimized OPEX and time to market.’’

– Telenor Open Universe.






You must have the ability to understand how your network is performing.


Understanding the impact is of importance in running a fibre business. It is crucial to understand which customers and addresses are affected by a failure. Netadmin helps you monitor this.

‘‘Netadmin solution has proved to be effective and delivers an excellent solution that underpins fiber deployment.’’

– JT.






One platform to manage your fiber journey.

Provisioning broadband services is one of the most critical processes for you as an operator. As your customer base expands, the operational expenses of service fulfillment will increase exponentially if done manually or inefficiently.

Together with our customers, we continuously work with innovation and enhancements of our solutions in the form of modules, add-ons, and portals.

Benefits with Netadmin Nine
  • A fully automatic service fulfillment process

  • With a combination of smart network design, organizational readiness and support systems.

  • Fully automate customer service fulfillment.

  • Connect large volumes of customers without increasing staff, thus keeping expenses down.

  • Provide a better experience for your customers with self-service.

  • Higher service quality.

  • Reduction of request handling time.

Capabilities Modules.

Add-ons and Portals.

Want to learn more?

1 min read

Netadmin contributes to TM Forum's Wholesale Broadband product model standard

1 min read

Our Christmas gift this year bringing children back to school.

3 min read

Fiberization for a green future

Ready to get started?

Is your organization looking for a complete solution to automate and grow your fiber business? Speak with an expert to learn how your fiber business can flourish with Netadmin.